According to the government’s “Vision for Prosperity” National Policy Statement, sugar requirement of the country must be produced locally. Accordingly, a set of policies for the proper planning, guidance and regulation of the development of the sugar industry in Sri Lanka has been formulated and presented to the Hon. Minister of Plantation Industries Ramesh Pathirana,

Sugar Industry Development Policy for Sri Lanka Read More »

Future Plan (Roadmap 2021-2025) of Sugarcane Research Institute was presented on 08th March 2021 at the Ministry of Sugarcane, Maize, Cashew, Pepper, Cinnamon, Clove, Betel Small Plantation Crops Development, Allied Industries and Export Promotion by Dr. M. S. Perera, Acting Director, SRI. The Secretary to the Ministry, Additional Secretary, the Chairman and staff of Sugarcane

Roadmap 2021-2025 Read More »

Topic: Investigation of management of sugarcane moth borers using synthetic sex pheromones Objectives To identify effective pheromone blend sources and ratios for sugarcane moth borers; Chilo sacchariphagus and Sesamia inferans To examine the relationship between moth catches and borer infestation levels To select effective and efficient trap design for trapping borer moths using pheromones To

Investigation of Management of Sugarcane Moth Borers Using Synthetic Sex Pheromones Read More »

Two field demonstration programs on Device for demarcating furrow lines were conducted by SRI for farmers and sugar industry officers on 29th September 2020 at Siyambalanduwa. This device is a simple and low cost implement designed and introduced by SRI to use for demarcating furrow lines. The implement can be used by farmer due to

Promotion of Device for Demarcating Furrow Lines Read More »