Crop Protection Division

Increase productivity and profitability of the sugar industry through managing the pest and diseases in plantations.

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Division of Crop Protection is (CPD) work with the vision of increasing the productivity and profitability of the sugar industry by controlling available pests and diseases in the plantations and avoiding introduction of new pests and diseases to the country.

Several pests and diseases have arisen in the Sri Lankan sugarcane industry over the decade and have addressed CPD successfully marking several milestones, providing new recommendations and strengthening available integrated pest ,disease and vector management packages via knowledge gathered by conducting research trials, laboratory experiments and field surveys.

To achieve this, CPD is focusing on

·         Developing IPM strategies to manage sugarcane pests

·         Developing IDM strategies to manage sugarcane diseases

·         Providing Crop Protection services to the industry

Accordingly, the division is carrying out three research projects: reinforcing an IPM package to manage sugarcane pests in Sri Lanka, reinforcing an IDM package to manage sugarcane diseases in Sri Lanka, and provision of crop protection services to farmers, industries, and other divisions in SRI upon request.

Divisional Priority Areas...

Development of AW- IPM program for Internode Borer

Development of an Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management (AW- IPM) program for Internode Borer; Chilo sacchariphagus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)

Development of resistant varieties and development of a pull-push strategy are the key components of the AW- IPM program.

Erianthus arundinaceous can be used for the both components.

Germ plasm collection of the institute has nearly 55 different accessions of Erianthus arundinaceous.

Highly resistant accessions are used as parents for developing resistant sugarcane varieties and highly susceptible accessions are used as trap crops.

Attractant leaf volatile/s of the susceptible accessions are used to develop new pest management products by compounding with sex pheromones.

It is affected to reduce both male and female moths populations.

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Disease management through resistant varieties, chemical and physical methods
Disease identification based on symptoms, microbial-culture technique and molecular methods

Development of resistant varieties and development of a pull-push strategy are the key components of the AW- IPM program.

Erianthus arundinaceous can be used for the both components.

Germ plasm collection of the institute has nearly 55 different accessions of Erianthus arundinaceous.

Highly resistant accessions are used as parents for developing resistant sugarcane varieties and highly susceptible accessions are used as trap crops.

Attractant leaf volatile/s of the susceptible accessions are used to develop new pest management products by compounding with sex pheromones.

It is affected to reduce both male and female moths populations.

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Our Achievements

Successful control of Sugarcane Wooly Aphid (SWA)

Threat of SWA has been addressed and managed in a successful manner during the period and SWA has become an occasional pest in the sugarcane industry.

Identifying resistant and susceptible varieties

    • SL 00 589, SL 00 601, SL 00 603, SL 00 619, SL 00 652 are zero incidence varieties
    • SL 97 1442 as highly susceptible

Introducing spraying Tobacco extraction with liquid dish wash (Tobacco extraction 100 ml + Water 400ml + 1ml of liquid dish wash) as ecofriendly alternative to manage SWA population

Identifying that the weight of the honeydew excreted as an accurate method to determine the feeding rate of woolly aphid on different sugarcane varieties

Laboratory rearing and field releasing technologies were developed. Natural enemies (Dipha aphidivora and Micromus igoratus) were introduced to the SWA infested field regularly to manage the condition successfully.

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Successful control of Sugarcane plant hopper: Pyrilla perpusilla

Successful control of Pyrilla perpusilla Walker  achived E. melanoleuca in seed cane nursery in 2013 and 2015 at Kantale nursery

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Developing strategies to reinforce IPM package for sugarcane moth borers

Developing mass rearing techniques for larval parasitoid: Cotecia flavipes, developing augmentation techniques and confirming initial establishment in the Hingurana sugarcane fields

De-trashing have significant effect on borer damage in commercial varieties

Identifying four flowering plant species in sugarcane ecosystem enhance the life span of Cotecia and introducing them as companion plants (Ocimum sanctum, Oxalis corimbosa, Cleome viscose, Phylanthus viridis )

Identifying Synthetic sex pheromone blend of Z-13-Octadecenyl acetate and Z-13-Octadecenol in ratio of 7:1 effective trapping and monitoring technique for Chilo sacchariphagus,

  • Trapping device:  delta trap
  • Replacement period: 2 weeks period
  • Optimum trap density: 20 pheromone traps/ ha

Identification of new larval pupal parasitoid (Xanthompla spp) of Internode borer, Chilo scashariphagus which showed the potential of incorporating into efficient borer management program

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Developing IPM package for Deltocephalus menoni; vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease (WLD)

Identifying natural enemy spectrum and laboratory techniques

  • Ground beetle spp, Harpalus pensylvenicus (Coleoptera:Carabidae)  and Bembidion quadrimaculatum (Coleoptera:Carabidae are efficient egg predators of WLD vector
  • Identification of Earwig species (Order: Dermoptera) and Rover beetle species (Order: Coleoptera) as nymphal and adult predators of vector
  • Six predatory Coccinelid beetle spp were identified and among them Micrapis discolor, Micrapis alardi, Scymnus nubilus, Jairavio dorsialis, Propylea dissector and Pseudaspidimerus trinotatus over WLD vector and M. discolor was identifiedd as the most efficient and abundant predatory coccinellid beetle spp in sugarcane ecosystem

Identifying Saccharum spontaneum (Wild cane) and Sorghum bicolor are alternative hosts of the WLD vector and recommending to avoid them around fallowing fields and nursery areas

Identifying WLD infected plants are augmenting its vector by attracting, enhancing survival and population build-up which promotes the transmission of WLD phytoplasma itself. There recommended regular inspection and rogueing out of WLD infected clumps make a great impact on secondary transmission of WLD by vector.

Identifying resistant and susceptible varieties

Resistant varieties :SL 83 06, SL 92 5588, SLT 4921

Recommending most appropriate population techniques and durations

  • Sweep net monitoring is be : as 2000 sweeps/ ha during 6.00 to 9.00am and 4.00 to 7.00 pm ( Avoid rainy and windy days)
  • Light traps:  use white light during at 7.00 to 8.00pm in evening as 7.00 to 8.00pm (avoid the full moon period of the Luna phase)

Identifying four-month age of the sugarcane hybrids is the most vulnerable stage for vector feeding, and the three to five-month period is the susceptible period for feeding.

Identifying border treatment of Fipronil 0.3 GR (soil application of 18Kg/ha) as an effective treatment to manage the WLD vector and incidence in sugarcane plantations.

Identification of the Mustard (Brassica juncea (L.) Czern & Coss) as a repellent crop for WLD vector.

 Identifying Erianthus as effective barrier crop ( 3 rows) to minimise invasion of vector in to the sugarcane fields

Maximum flight distances of WLD vector is identified as 75 m

  • This should be minimum distance between commercial plantations and nurseries in order to minimise the secondary transmission of WLD to nurseries

Identification of behavioural characteristics of D .menoni , plant physicomorphic and leaf characteristics associated with high WLD incidence and  development of variety evaluation system for WLD vector

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Managing sudden outbreak of Fall Army Warm

The Fall Army Worm (FAW), Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), is a new invasive pest of maize in Sri Lanka since October 2018.  It has damaged some sugarcane fields in all over the country and the damage severity was increasing continuously in an alarming rate. As there were no established management strategies against this new pest, studies on biology, ecology and control measures were conducted to develop a sustainable management program.

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Confirmation of effectiveness of triazole fungicides and a synthetic elicitor to control smut disease causing pathogen

Confirmation of effectiveness of triazole fungicides (i.e. Tebuconazole (500 ppm) and Hexaconazole (250 and 500 ppm)), and a synthetic elicitor (i.e. salicylic acid (1000 ppm)), to control smut disease causing pathogen

This can be used in protecting sugarcane from smut disease under field conditions when used as a pre-planting dip treatment

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Identification of potential resistant parents for smut, leaf scald and white leaf diseases

This is to produce disease resistant/ tolerant sugarcane varieties to be released for commercial plantations to manage sugarcane diseases in economical and environmental friendly manner

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Identification of morphological and biochemical characters of sugarcane

Identification of morphological and biochemical characters (Total phenolic contents in leaves, hardness of the bud, Foliage Inclination Angle (FIA) and the number of scale leaves) which has a significant potential value

This will assist for early identification of sugarcane smut resistance in the varietal selection programs.

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Identification of genetic variability of sugarcane smut pathogen (S. scitamineum) genome among the Sri Lankan isolates

A mixture of isolates from the all sugarcane growing areas should be used to cover different adoptive potentials of the isolates when screening for smut-resistant sugarcane varieties for the industry in Sri Lanka.

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Confirmation of no significant genetic diversity among the 16S rRNA gene sequences of Sugarcane white leaf disease strains reported in Sri Lanka.

Confirmation of no significant genetic diversity among the 16S rRNA gene sequences of Sugarcane white leaf disease strains reported in Sri Lanka. The 16SrXI-B subgroup is the dominant phytoplasma subgroup associated with Sugarcane white leaf disease in all sugarcane growing areas of Sri Lanka.

This will be helpful in development and implementation of management strategies

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Development of direct single step PCR method

Development of direct single step PCR method, a DNA probe and q PCR method to detect and quantify white leaf disease phytoplsma in sugarcane.

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Ongoing Research Activities..

CP/1/23: Development of IPM packages to manage sugarcane pests in Sri Lanka

Damage incidences of sugarcane moth borers and spider mite have been increased in most of sugarcane plantations in Sri Lanka with high yielding sugarcane varieties. There is a requirement to reduce the crop losses due to these pests on the newly bred high yielding varieties using green management methods. Area-Wide Integrated Pest Management (AW-IPM) programs will be developed using findings of the research project.


  •  To evaluate the effects of a new granular insecticide; Chlorantraniliprole 0.4% (w/w) G for controlling moth borers in sugarcane and to find out the effective dosage to be applied
  • To identify responsible plant volatiles for the interaction between female moth of Chilo sacchariphagus (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Erianthus arundinaceus   to develop new pest management products by compounding with sex pheromones
  • To identify resistant accessions of Erianthus arundinaceous which can be used as parents for developing resistant sugarcane varieties against moth borers
  • To identify suitable accessions of Erianthus arundinaceous which can be used as trap crops for developing a “Push-Pull Strategy” against moth borers
  • To evaluate non chemical strategies to manage sugarcane pest
  • To screen the newly-bred varieties for resistance/tolerance to sugarcane pests under natural conditions to avoid releasing the pest susceptible varieties for  commercial cultivations.
Read more about CP/1/23 project Read less

CP/02/20: Development of IDM package to manage sugarcane diseases in Sri Lanka

The IDM package is comprised introducing of resistant varieties, use of resistant inducing chemicals, chemical treatments, physical methods for disease management, studying biology of pathogens to develop management strategies.

  • To screen the newly-bred varieties for resistance/tolerance to white leaf disease (WLD), sugarcane smut disease and leaf scald disease (LSD) and to quantify the disease incidence of sugarcane varieties under natural conditions to avoid releasing the disease susceptible varieties for disease infestations to commercial cultivations.
  • To study the variation on molecular level variation of the varieties during smut infection to develop a protocol to early selection of sugarcane hybrids/varieties for sugarcane smut disease resistance
  • Study the effectiveness of resistance Inducing chemicals (Elicitors) to reduce phytoplasma titer in sugarcane.
Read more about CP/02/20 project Read less


Peer-Reviewed / SCI Journals

SCI Journals

      • Thushari A. N. W. S. and D. M. De Costa (2024). Determining morphological and biochemical indices to select for smut-resistant sugarcane varieties: Journal of Crop Improvement, 38 (2), 73- 94
      • Thushari, A.N.W.S and De Costa, D.M. Molecular and Genetic Variability of Sporisorium scitamineum   (Sugarcane Smut Pathogen) in Sugarcane Plantations in Sri Lanka –Sugar Tech Journal.
      •  Thushari, A.N.W.S and De Costa, D.M. Determining morphological and biochemical     indices to select for smut-resistant sugarcane varieties  – The manuscript has been accepted by Sugar Tech Journal for publication.
      • Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M.,  Sithanantham S., Chanchala., K.M.G. and Prabakaran., M. (2022)Effect of pheromone blend sources and loadings on sugarcane internode borer moth catches in Sri Lanka. Indian Journal of Entomology Online published Ref. No. e22866. DoI. No.: 10.55446/IJE.2022.985
      • Chanchala, K.M.G., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L., Witharama, W.R.G., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M. and Kiriella, S.H. (2022). Role of leaf fibro-vascular bundle configuration on feeding of Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) in the transmission of White Leaf Disease in sugarcane varieties. Journal of Agricultural Sciences – Sri Lanka, 17(1).198–199.
      •  Srimali P. U. N. E., Manamgoda, D. S., Basnayake, B. M. V. S., Thushari A. N. W. S., and Salim, N. (2022). Molecular Characterization and Pathogenicity of Fusarium Species Associated with Pokkah Boeng: An Emerging Disease of Sugarcane in Sri Lanka. Sugar Tech. 24(1):1357-1367
      • Chanchala, K. M. G., Wanasinghe, V. K. A. S. M., Kulasekara, B. R., Hemachandra, K. S., Nugaliyadde, L., and Witharama, W. R. G. (2021). Tri-trophic relationship among Sugarcane White Leaf Disease Phytoplasma (WLDP), Deltocephalus menoni (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) and sugarcane plant in secondary transmission of the disease. Journal of Agricultural Sciences–Sri Lanka, 16(03). Pp 443-451
      • Dayasena, Y.A.P.K., Panda, P., Thushari, A.N.W.S. and Rao G.P. (2021). Geographical Distribution and Identification of Phytoplasma Strain Associated with Sugarcane White Leaf Disease in Sri Lanka. Sugar Tech.23:1351–1358
      • Thushari, A.N.W.S., Wijesuriya, A., Wijesuriya, B.W.,Perera, A.M.M.S. and de Costa, D.M. (2021). Identification of Sugarcane Germplasm in Sri Lanka for Breeding of Varieties Resistant to Smut Disease (c.a. Sporisorium scitamineum). Sugar Tech 23 (5): 1025–1036.


  • Chanchala K.M.G., Dayasena Y.A.P.K., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L., and Witharama, W.R.G. (2022). Disease transmission proficiency of Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae); vector of sugarcane white leaf disease. Agrica. 11(1):54-60 (1) 10.5958/2394-448X.2022.00005.0
  • Wanasinghe V.K.A.S.M., Chanchala K.M.G., Nikpay A., and Goebel F.R. (2022). Biological Control of Sugarcane Pests in Sri Lanka: Current Status and Future Prospects. Agrica. 11(1):83-90. : 10.5958/2394-448X.2022.00009.8
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., and De Costa, D.M. (2022). Management of Sugarcane Smut Disease using Triazole Fungicides and Synthetic Elicitors. Tropical Agricultural Research. 33(2): 213-222.
  • Chanchala, K.M.G., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M. and Witharama, W.R.G., 2021. Varietal Screen for Susceptible stage of Saccharum hybrids for Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), vector of sugarcane White Leaf Disease. Tropical Agricultural Research, 33(1):49–56.
  • Chanchala, K.M.G., Kiriella, S.H., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L. and Witharama, W.R.G.  (2020). Effect of leaf lamina colour on the behavioral characteristics of Deltocephalus menoni (hemiptera:cicadellidae); a vector of sugarcane white leaf. Agrica. 9: 31-38
  • Chanchala, K.M.G.,Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L. and Witharama, W.R.G. (2020) Effect of the Epicuticular Wax Level of Leaf Lamina on the Behaviour of Leaf Hopper Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae); A Vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease. Tropical Agricultural Research. 31(1): 73-85.
  • Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Chanchala, K.M.G., Navia, D., Nugaliyadde, L. and Aratchige, N.S. (2018). The First Record of Aceriasacchari Wang, an Eriophyoid Mite, in Sugarcane Plantations in Sri Lanka. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 8(9):266-268.
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., Ariyawansha B.D.S.K. and Silva M.K.R. (2015). Evaluation of Some Brazillian Sugarcane Varieties for Resistance to Leaf Scald Disease Pathogen in Sri Lanka, Journal of Sugarcane Sri Lanka (01):29-33
  • Chanchala, K.M.G., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., and Hemachandra, K.S. (2015). Survival of the Deltocephalus menoni (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), the vector of sugarcane white leaf disease in Sri Lanka on alternative host plants. Journal of Sugarcane Sri Lanka.2: 36-43
  • Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Chanchala, K.M.G. and Kumarasinghe, N.C. (2014). AnAssessment of Major Pests of Sugarcane in Sri Lanka. Journal of Sugarcane Sri Lanka. 1: 21-28

Conference papers

  • S.L.N. Pathirana, Sumedha Thushari A.N.W. and Jayaprada N.V.T. (2024). Assessment of Phytoplasma titer variation across white leaf disease severity levels in sugarcane varieties cultivated in four selected regions of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the  International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2024 University of Ruhuna, Sri 22
  • Wanasundara, H.W.N.D.P., Chanchala, K.M.G., Lakmali, H.M.R.P. and Kirthisinghe, J.P.(2023) “Use of Botanicals to manage termite damage at early growth of sugarcane” Proceedings of International Symposium on Sustainable Plantation Management. 22-34
  • Chanchala K.M.G., DayasenaY.A.P.K., Wanasinghe,V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra,K.S., Nugaliyadde, L., and Witharama, W.R.G. (2019). Viruliferous nature of the Sugarcane White Leaf Disease Vector Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae). Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Plantation Crop Research- “Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Plantation Sector”. Dr. V.H.L. Rodrigo, Dr. B.W. Wijesuriya, Dr. D.G Edirisinghe, Dr. N.M.C. Nayanakantha. Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Dartonfield, Agalawatta, 12200, Sri Lanka. pp 153-162
  • Wanasinghe,V.K.A.S.M., Chanchala, K.M.G., Weragoda, W.G.M.S., and Nugaliyadde ,L. (2019). Evaluation of the necessity of insecticides and the potential in establishing the larval parasitoid; Cotesiaflavipes (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) for management of sugarcane shoot borers in Ampara district, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Plantation Crop Research- “Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Plantation Sector”. Dr. V.H.L. Rodrigo, Dr. B.W. Wijesuriya, Dr. D.G Edirisinghe, Dr. N.M.C. Nayanakantha. Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Dartonfield, Agalawatta, 12200, Sri Lanka. pp. 145-152
  • Thushari A.N.W.S. and Ariyawansha B.D.S.K. (2019). Evaluation of Selected Sugarcane (Saccharum spp. Hybrid) Varieties for Smut Disease Reaction and its Effect on Cane- and Sugar- Yield Components, Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Plantation Crop Research- “Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Plantation Sector”. Dr. V.H.L. Rodrigo, Dr. B.W. Wijesuriya, Dr. D.G Edirisinghe, Dr. N.M.C. Nayanakantha (Eds). Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Dartonfield, Agalawatta, 12200, Sri Lanka.  pp 163-169
  • Wickramasinghe, K.P., Wijesuriya, A., Ariyawansha, B.D.S.K., Perera, A.M.M.S., Chanchala, K.M.G., Manel, D. and Chandana, R.A.M. (2019). Performance of Sugarcane Varieties in a White Leaf Disease (WLD)-Prone Environment at Pelwatte. Proceedings of the Seventh Symposium on Plantation Crop Research- “Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals in the Plantation Sector”. Dr. V.H.L. Rodrigo, Dr. B.W. Wijesuriya, Dr. D.G Edirisinghe, Dr. N.M.C. Nayanakantha. Rubber Research Institute of Sri Lanka, Dartonfield, Agalawatta, 12200, Sri Lanka. pp. 19-31
  • Chanchala K.M.G., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Ariyawansa, B.D.S.K. and Hemachandra, K.S., (2014). Relationship between the incidences of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease and the Population Dynamics of Its Vector, Deltocephalus menoni (Homoptera: Cicadellidae), in Sri Lanka. In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Plantation Crop Research – “Towards a Green Plantation Economy” A.P. Keerthipala (Eds). Sugarcane Research Institute, Uda Walawe, 70190, Sri Lanka.pp 143-149
  • Chanchala K.M.G., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., and Kumarasinghe, N.C. (2014). An Assessment of Major Pests of Sugarcane in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Plantation Crop Research – “Towards a Green Plantation Economy”. In A.P. Keerthipala (Eds).Sugarcane Research Institute, Uda Walawe, 70190, Sri Lanka.pp 21-28
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., Ariyawansha B.D.S.K. and Silva M.K.R. (2014). Evaluation of Some Brazillian Sugarcane Varieties for Resistance to Leaf Scald Disease Pathogen in Sri Lanka.  In A.P. Keerthipala (ed) Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Plantation Crop Research – “Towards a Green Plantation Economy” in A.P. Keerthipala (Eds). Sugarcane Research Institute, Uda Walawe, 70190, Sri Lanka. pp 187-191
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., Piyatunga A.L.I. and Chandrasena, G. (2014). Efficacy of Soil Bacteria in Controlling Sugarcane Smut Disease Fungi Ustilago scitaminea  proceedings of the 5th IAPSIT International Conference IS;2014, 25th to 28th November 2014,Nanning,P.R.China.pp 321-325
  • Chanchala K.M.G., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Kumarasinghe, N.C. Ariyawansa, B.D.S.K. and Karunarathna, P.M.A. (2012). Distribution Pattern of Woolly Aphid on Sugarcane Plant Based on Leaf Colour. Proceeding of the symposium on Miner export crops. pp 91-94
  • Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Kumarasinghe, N.C. and Chanchala, K.M.G. (2012). Natural Enemies of Sugarcane   Woolly Aphid (Ceratovacunalanigera): A survey in Passara, Sri Lanka. Proceeding of the forth symposium on plantation crop research. pp 163-170

Extended Abstract/ Abstracts

  • Weerasekara, P. M. D. B., and Chanchala, K. M. G. (2023). Potency to Use Aqueous Extractions of Pesticidal Plants to Manage Termites in the Sugarcane Ecosystem of Sri Lanka. 73. International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment
  • Sewwandika, A. M. S. M., Wijesekara, W. M. A. U. K. M., and Chanchala, K. M. G. (2023). Bio-efficacy of Lantana camara Leaf Extracts on White Leaf Disease Vector; Deltocephelus menoni. 61.  AgSURS-2023, FoAS, SUSL
  • Weerasekara, P. M. D. B., Wijesekara, W. M. A. U. K. M., and Chanchala, K. M. G. (2023). The Potential of Using Pesticidal Plant Extracts in Managing Termite Damage in Sugarcane Buds and Setts at Planting. 60. AgSURS-2023, FoAS, SUSL
  • Somarathna, K. Y. M., Wijesekara, W. M. A. U. K. M., and Chanchala, K. M. G. (2023). Effect of Seed Kernel and Leaf Extracts of Neem ( Azadirachta indica ) on Selected Sap-sucking Insect Pests of Sugarcane. 58. AgSURS-2023, FoAS, SUSL
  • Samarasinghe, M.H., Chanchala, K.M.G., Perera, R.N.N. and J.B.D.A.P. Kumara.(2022) Predatory potential of Coccinelid beetle spp. on Deltocephalus menoni; vector of sugarcane white leaf disease. 4th International Conference of Agricultural Sciences. Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. pp 95-98.
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., and Ariyawansha B.D.S.K. (2016).  Evaluation of Some Brazilian Sugarcane Varieties for the Resistance to Sugarcane Smut Pathogen, Sporosoriumscitamineum  in Sri Lanka Proceedings of the fifth Young Scientists Forum  symposium ,January 22, Colombo. pp 112-114
  • Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Chanchala, K.M.G., Witharama, W.R.G. and Kumarasinghe, N.C. (2014). The Effects of Intercropping Cowpea, Ground nut, Gingili, and Sweet Melon on Termite Damage on Sugarcane in Sri Lanka. Submitted for the International Conference IS-2014 in China. pp 461-463
  • Chanchala, K.M.G., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L. Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Kiriella, S.H., and Witharama, W.R.G.  (2022). Effect of the Leaf Trichome Types, Density and Length on Selected Behavioural and Physiological Characteristics of Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae); Vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2022. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna. pp 14
  • Chanchala K.M.G., DayasenaY.A.P.K. Wanasinghe,V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra,K.S., Nugaliyadde, L., and Witharama, W.R.G.  (2022). Disease transmission proficiency of Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae); vector of sugarcane white leaf disease Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2022. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna. pp 18
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., and De Costa, D.M. (2022). Morphological and biochemical indices for selecting sugarcane varieties resistant to smut disease. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2022. pp 42
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., and De Costa, D.M. (2022). Molecular variability and genetic relationships of Sporisorium scitemineum isolates, the causal organism of sugarcane smut disease of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2022. pp 55
  • Dayasena, Y.A.P.K. and Niranjan, M. (2022). Conventional PCR based semi-quantitative method for quantification of sugarcane white leaf disease phytoplasma. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment 2022. Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna. pp 20
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., and De Costa, D.M.  (2021). Management of Sugarcane smut disease using Triazole Fungicides and Synthetic Elicitors. Proceedings of 33rdAnnual congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. pp 20
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., Wijesuriya, A., Wijesuriya, B.W. and De Costa, D.M. (2021). Evaluation of Sugarcane Smut Resistance in Saccharum officinarum L. and Wild Sugarcane Accessions Available in Sri Lanka Proceedings of Peradeniya University International Research Sessions 2021, Sri Lanka. 23:522
  • Chanchala, K.M.G., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L., and Witharama, W.R.G. (2021). Varietal Screen for Susceptible Stage of Saccharum Hybrids for Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), Vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease Proceedings of 33rd Annual congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. pp 32
  • Dayasena Y.A.P.K, Panda P, Thushari, A.N.W.S. and Rao, G.P. (2020). Sub-group Level Identification of Phytoplasma Strain Associated With Sugarcane White Leaf Disease in Sri Lanka. In 7th International Conference on Phytopathology, January 16-20, ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, India pp 43
  • Basnayake B.M.N.J., Thushari A.N.W.S. and De Costa D.M. (2019). Detection and Quantification of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease causing Phytoplasma in Fertiliser-treated Sugarcane Plants. Proceedings of the 5th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, 21st February  2019.pp 88
  • Chanchala, K.M.G., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L., and Witharama, W.R.G. (2019). Effect of Epicuticular Wax Level Lamina on the Behaviour of leaf hopper Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae): A vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease. Proceedings of 31st Annual congress of the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya. pp 32
  • Chanchala, K.M.G., Kiriella, S.H., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra, K.S.,Nugaliyadde, L., and Witharama, W.R.G. (2019). Potential of using Behavioural Characteristics of Deltocephalus menoni, Vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease, in Screening Sugarcane Varieties for the Disease. Proceedings of 7th International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka. pp 187.
  • Chanchala, K.M.G., Kiriella, S.H., Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Hemachandra, K.S., Nugaliyadde, L. and WRG Witharama (2019). Does leaf lamina colour affect the behavioral characteristics of Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae); a vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease? Proceedings of the international sugar and sugarcane conference in Dusit Thani Hotel, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand from 31st July to 2nd August 2019. pp 27.
  • Chanchala, K.M.G. and Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M. (2019). Determining the best application time of insecticides for controlling Deltocephalus menoni (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), a vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease in Sri Lanka. Proceeding of International Conference Sugarcon 2019 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India from February 16-19, 2019. pp 192.
  • Dayasena Y.A.P.K., Thushari A.N.W.S, and Wijesuriya A. (2019). Optimization of PCR Protocol for Detection of Sugarcane Leaf Scald Bacteria and Identification of the Leaf Scald Diseases Bacterial Strain in Sri Lanka. In 7th International Conference of Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (ICSUSL) 14 -15 November, Belihuloya, Sri Lanka. pp 172
  • Jayathilaka, H.M.A.S., Perera, R.N.N. and Chanchala, K.M.G. (2019). Determination of Most Appropriate Population Monitoring Technique for Deltocephalus Menoni; Hemiptera:Cicadallidae), the Vector of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Agricultural sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, (1):pp 35-36
  • Chandrasekara, A.M.L.C.M., Perera, R.N.N. and Chanchala, K.M.G. (2019). Estimating the flying distance of Deltocephalus menoni; (Hemiptera:Cicadellidae) the vector of sugarcane white leaf disease in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of Undergraduate Research, Faculty of Agricultural sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, (1): pp 37-38
  • Dharmasena N.G.H.M., Thushari A.N.W.S. and De Costa D.M. (2019). Identification and Determination of genetic variation of the Causal Agent of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 5th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, 21st February  2019.pp 111
  • Nawarathna, H.M.O.N., Kumara U.M.A., Thushari A.N.W.S. and De Costa D.M. (2019). Development of a DNA Probe for Detection of White Leaf Disease in Sugarcane. Proceedings of the 5th   symposium of  Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, 21st February  2019.pp 94
  • Rathnayake, R.M.M.K., Thushari A.N.W.S. and De Costa D.M. (2019). Potential of using Endophytes of Sugarcane for Biological control of Sugarcane Smut. Proceedings of the 5th Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, 21st February  2019.pp 121
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S., Menika, G.D.N., Wijesuriya N.D. and Dayasena Y.A.P.K. (2019).Molecular Detection of the Presence of Sugarcane Yellow Leaf Disease Phytoplasma and its Phylogenetic Relationship to White Leaf Disease Phytoplasma in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of International Sugar and Sugarcane Conference, July 31-02 August 2019, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand. pp 28
  • Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Chanchala, K.M.G., Karunathilake, A.P, Nikpay, A. and Nugaliyadde. L, (2019). First report of Fall Army Worm; Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in sugarcane in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the international sugar and sugarcane conference in DusitThani Hotel, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand from 31st July to 2nd August 2019. pp 39.
  • Wanasinghe, VKASM, Chanchala, KMG, Gunawardena MKPC and Wijesuriya, A. (2019). Control of Sugarcane Leaf Hopper, Pyrilla perpusilla by Fulgoraecia (Epiricania) melanoleuca Fletcher (Lepidoptera: Epipyropidae) in the seed cane nursery at Kantale, Sri Lanka.  Proceeding of International Conference Sugarcon 2019 at ICAR-Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India from February 16-19, 2019. pp 119.
  • Wanasinghe, V.K.A.S.M., Chanchala, K.M.G., Karunathilake, A.P., Nikpay, A., and Nugaliyadde, L. (2019). First report of Fall Army Worm; Spodopterafrugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in sugarcane in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the international sugar and sugarcane conference in DusitThani Hotel, Pattaya, Chonburi, Thailand from 31st July to 2nd August 2019. pp 39.
  • Dayasena Y.A.P.K., Wijesuriya A, Thushari A.N.W.S., Chanchala, K.M.G and Perera A.M.M.S. (2018). Development of a Fast and Reliable Molecular-Based Detection Method for Sugarcane White Leaf Disease (WLD) Phytoplasma. In XII ISSCT Pathology workshop, 3-7 September, Coimbatore, India.pp
  • Rathnayaka, H.P.S.N., Thushari, A.N.W.S., Kumara, U.M.A. and De Costa, D.M. (2017). Development of a DNA probe to detect the pathogen of white leaf disease of sugarcane. Proceedings of the 4th   symposium of Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, 12 January. pp 18
  • Tharangani, H.D.A., Thushari, A.N.W.S. and De Costa, D.M. (2017). Morphological and growth variations of Sporisoriumscitamineum and Fusarium spp. co-existing in smut-infected sugarcane varieties grown in Hingurana, Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 4th   symposium of Faculty of Agriculture Undergraduate Research Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, 12 January. pp 59
  • Kanatiwela-de Silva, C., Thushari S, Dickinson, M. and Udagama P. (2014). Phylogenetic evaluation of Sugarcane White Leaf Disease and Sugarcane Grassy Shoot Diseases in Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the 70th Annual sessions of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. Colombo, Sri Lanka. pp 121
  • Kanatiwela-de Silva, C., Thushari S, Udagama,P. and Dickinson, M. (2014).Rapid and Sensitive Detection of Sugarcane White Leaf and Sugarcane Grassy Shoot Diseases by Loop mediated isothermal Amplification (LAMP) Assay. Proceedings of the Annual Research Symposium,University of Colombo, November 20-21. Pp 216-217
  • Thushari, A.N.W.S. and Ariyawansha BDSK. (2014). Identification of different Sugarcane Smut (Ustilagoscitaminea) Strains in Sri Lanka, proceeding of the International Conclave on Sugar Crops. pp 138-139
  • Piyathunga A.L.I. , Chandrasena G. and Thushari ANWS., (2013) Study on the Effects of Selected Plant Extracts on Sugarcane Smut Pathogen (Ustilago scitaminea), proceeding of the 04 th Research Symposium –Uwa Wellassa University. pp 44-46


Sugarcane White Leaf Disease

Thushari, A.N.W.S., Pottewela, D.P.W. and Chanchala, K.M.G. (2017). White leaf Disease of Sugarcane. Bulletin No. 04 (Edited). Publication of Sugarcane Research Institute.

Sugarcane Wooly Aphid

V.K.A.S.M.Wanasinghe, Chanchala, K.M.G. and Pottewela, D.P.W. (2013).Sugarcane Wooly AphidBulletin No. 04 (Edited). Publication of Sugarcane Research Institute.

Shoot borer

V.K.A.S.M.Wanasinghe, Pottewela, D.P.W. and Ariyawansha, K.T. (2015).Sugarcane Wooly AphidBulletin No. 04 (Edited). Publication of Sugarcane Research Institute. (2015 Leaf Let No: 17) 

Sugarcane Smut Disease and control

 Thushari, A.N.W.S. (2015). Publication of Sugarcane Research Institute. Sugarcane

Leaf Scald Disease

Thushari, A.N.W.S. (2014). Publication of Sugarcane Research Institute.



An Environmental Friendly Method for Controlling Sugarcane Woolly Aphid (Sinhala): News Letter, Sugarcane Research Institute, March 2015 

Control of Pyrilla plant hopper outbreak at Kanthale using bio control agents (Sinhala) : For  News Letter, Sugarcane Research Institute   

  • Maralanda S.M.T.A., Gamage K.G.R., Perumpuli B., Karunarathna W.K.D.S., Perera M.A.R.I., Wijesuriya A. (2020) Shelf Life of Pineapple and Lime-Flavoured, Ascorbic Acid-Added and Ready-to-Serve Sugarcane Juice Beverage. In: Mohan N., Singh P. (eds) Sugar and Sugar Derivatives: Changing Consumer Preferences. Springer, Singapore

Our Staff..

Dr. KMG Chanchala​

Research Officer​ In-charge

  • Ph.D. (course work and research) in Molecular and Applied Microbiology in PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • M.Sc. Crop Science, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (2012/08)
  • B.Sc. Agricultural Sciences, Specialized in Plantation Crops, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka (2010/11)

Research Interest:

  • Sugarcane pest management
  • Insect vector management
  • Biological control
  • Varietal evaluation for pest resistance
Ms. V.K.A.S.M. Wanasinghe

Research Officer​

  • Ph.D. (Reading), Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
  • M.Sc, Plant Protection Technology, Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya
  • B.Sc, Special in Zoology, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, Sri Lanka

Research Interest:

  • Management of moth borer pests
Dr. Sumedha Thushari

Research Officer​

  • Ph.D. in Molecular and Applied Microbiology in PGIA, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
  • B.Sc, Special degree in Botany, University of Sri Jayewardenepura,Sri Lanka

Research Interest:

  • Plant Pathology
  • Microbiology
  • Molecular biology and biotechnology
  • Host-pathogen interactions
Mr. AL Kodagoda

Technical Officer

Job Role: Assist in the field and laboratory research activities in pest management

Ms. K Pradeepa Jeewanthi

Technical Officer

Job Role: Assist in the field and laboratory research activities