The Sugarcane Research Institute is a statutory board coming under the purview of the State Ministry of Investment Promotion. The Institute’s main station is located at Uda Walawe.

Applications are invited from reputed manufactures, agents, importers, dealers, contractors, cooperative societies, government organizations including corporations and others who wish to register themselves with the Sugarcane Research Institute for supplying the following goods and services:


Apply before 15/12/2023


  1. Suppliers/Contractors/Service Providers who are already registered with the Institute shore-apply for registration.
  2. Applicant should have at least three years’ experience of supplying the relevant items. (good works/Services)
  3. Relevant organization should possess a valid business registration & copy of the certificate of registration should be attached.
  4. If the intended supplier is an limited liability company, certificate of incorporation of the company should be annexed with the application.
  5. If the intended supplier is an organization other than non-limited liability company, a copy of certificate of registration should be attached.
  6. If the intended supplier’s goods are manufactured by principal company, then the authorization letter issued by the principal company should be attached.
  7. The registration certificate of ICTAD in connection with the construction contractors should be attached.
  8. VAT registration certificate or the vat exemption certificate issued by the commissioner general inland revenue should be attached.
  9. Every supplier should agree to provide a credit facility at least for 30 days.
  10. Application forms could be either downloaded from the website or obtained during working hours from 09.00 am to 3.00 pm from the Procurement Officer of the Sugarcane Research Institute, Udawalawe.
  11. Applications will be issued from 14th November 2023 to 15th December 2023.
  12. Applications should be forwarded along with a cheque in favour of the Sugarcane Research Institute or cash for non- refundable fee of Rs.500.00 for each item by registered post to The Chairman, Department Procurement Committee (Minor), Sugarcane Research Institute, Udawalawe to reach on or before 15/12/2023.“Registration of Suppliers/ Contractors 2024. ” should be marked on the top-left hand corner of the envelop.
  13. Any clarification or information, if required, could be obtained from the addresses given below or on telephone no, 047-2233239 (Procurement Officer) 047-2233249 (Accountant)

Sugarcane Research Institute,
Uda Walawe.

Last update – 11/14/2023